Am I Dreaming???

I am trying not to be negative, be supportive, try to listen carefully, not think my way is the only way! I’ve seen and done quite a bit in my life, but today I’m being tested.I barely slept last night due to NO HEAT. It was 66 in the hall, but inside my apartment it was 60. This was the start of my day. The Resident Manager brought me another blanket. Then, Katie bar the door, hot shower here I come. I thawed out.

Since July of 1964, I’ve been labeled as Grace. Everyone thinks it’s funny, but to me it’s not. I really never thought about it, but the older I got, they were right. I wasn’t graceful, beautiful nor did I have a great talent. Being held to high standards can be very stressful. I learned to adapt and always strive to do my best, in everything I did and do. Why do shitty work? Why work in a field that you hate. Especially, the medical field or customer service.

This is Friday and I’m headed to meet a friend on the trolley. The doors opened at the last stop and there was a dead man laying beside his things. May you rest in peace…

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